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  • Writer's pictureBradi Rhoades

Moving Dirt....

Now this was an experience...Honestly had this idea in my head that I could probably move most of the dirt with my Kubota (it has a 5' bucket)...When Austin Whiting showed up with a big dozer, excavator and other cool stuff I quickly realized that I was a little over ambitious about this one (Coach McNeil and Coach Coy stop laughing!!)...Austin is a good old country boy up early and always ready to work...That is the kind of guy to hire for something like this, he is certainly not afraid of dirt, is insanely talented at running any machine he can get his hands on, and most importantly he is a great guy!!! It took him about a week to get the dirt moved, driveway installed, and footers dug...He put in some long days and we are so grateful for that!!!

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